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Seslendirme Ürünleri 07.06.2020

Fiyat Listelerimiz Güncellenmektedir..

Otomasyon Ürünleri 29.05.2018

Otomasyon Çözümlerimiz ve Otomasyon ürünlerimizi görmek için otomasyon sistemleri linkimize tıklayınız. 444 6 378

Anons Ürünleri 07.06.2020

Fiyat Listelerimiz Güncellenmektedir.

Sipariş Formu 29.05.2018

Sitemiz üzerinden sipariş formu gönderebilirsiniz. 444 6 378

  • The new structure for the generation of the magnetic field, the innovative route of the signal generated by the electrodes, provide a sensor with an extremely wide measurement range: EL= Extended Linearity.
  • The MUT2770 sensors are suitable for wide pipes under maximum pressure of 16 bar in the standard version (as indicated in Table 1 and 2). They are made of a 47mm probe, which has to be inserted into the tube for 1/8 of its internal diameter. As all magnetic meters, they can be used to measure liquids flow rates with electrical conductivity of 5 μS/cm minimum.
  • Better than 1% linearity.
  • ±0.2% of repeatability.
  • ±1% of accuracy at velocity above 0.6ft/s (0.2m/s).
  • Positive / negative / net flow totalizer.
  • Proprietary low-voltage transmission and self-adaptation technologies.
  • Anti-interference design.
  • Dual CPU. 100 Pico-second time measurement resolution.