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Seslendirme Ürünleri 07.06.2020

Fiyat Listelerimiz Güncellenmektedir..

Otomasyon Ürünleri 29.05.2018

Otomasyon Çözümlerimiz ve Otomasyon ürünlerimizi görmek için otomasyon sistemleri linkimize tıklayınız. 444 6 378

Anons Ürünleri 07.06.2020

Fiyat Listelerimiz Güncellenmektedir.

Sipariş Formu 29.05.2018

Sitemiz üzerinden sipariş formu gönderebilirsiniz. 444 6 378

EL212F-AC-V1 12 port managed industrial Ethernet switch with a single universal AC/DC power input
EL212F-DC-V1 12 port managed industrial Ethernet switch with dual redundant 24/48 VDC power inputs
  • IEC 61850/IEEE 1613 compliance ensures applications stay running in the toughest environments
  • Enterprise-class functionality and security future proofs the network
  • Powerful management and monitoring simplifies deployment and provides fault isolation
  • Extreme port flexibility allows for seamless field configuration and upgrade
  • IEC 61850/IEEE 1613 compliance ensures applications stay running in the toughest environments
  • Enterprise-class functionality and security future proofs the network
  • Powerful management and monitoring simplifies deployment and provides fault isolation
  • Extreme port flexibility allows for seamless field configuration and upgrade